Thursday, July 24, 2008

Fixing Pakistan's Problems...

"The root cause is, to repeat: We have built for ourselves an 'image' which depicts us as being what most of us are not. 'Prejudice' or 'bias' notwithstanding, we have to improve our image. This entails our evolving into being regarded by the peoples of the rest of the world in which we live as rational and reasonable - and this will not only take a long time, but it is an extremely tall order. It is not impossible, but improbable, that it will happen during the lifetime of most of us. To make literate and to profoundly educate over 150 million people is no joke with a birth rate such as we have - ten births per minute."

By Ardeshir Cowasjee

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Pakistan placed among dysfunctional states

Sad...but predictable.

WASHINGTON, June 24: Seven of the world’s 10 most dysfunctional countries are in sub-Saharan Africa, an annual survey says. The state of affairs obtaining in the seven countries is due largely to continuing mayhem either in Somalia or in Sudan.

The top 10, in order, are Somalia, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Chad, Iraq, Congo, Afghanistan, Ivory Coast, Pakistan and the Central African Republic.


The index uses 12 social, economic, political, and military indicators to rank 177 states in order of their vulnerability to violent internal conflict and the deterioration of their civil society. It is compiled annually by the independent magazine Foreign Policy and Fund for Peace, an independent research organisation.—AP

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Audit shows $2 billion in questionable Pentagon aid to Pakistan

Just read on the BBC Urdu

پاکستان کو دیےگئے دو ارب ڈالر کا حساب نہیں
پاکستانی فوجی(فائل فوٹو)
’دہشتگردی کے خلاف جنگ کے ایک فنڈ کا اسّی فیصد پاکستان کو جاتا ہے‘
امریکہ میں کانگریس کی مختلف معاملات کی نگرانی کرنے والی ایجنسی گورنمنٹ اکاؤنٹبلٹی آفس نے اپنی ایک رپورٹ میں کہا ہے کہ دہشتگردی کے خلاف جنگ میں امریکہ کی جانب سے پاکستان کو دی جانے والی امداد میں کئی طرح کی مالی بے ضابطگیاں پائی گئی ہیں۔

Audit shows $2 billion in questionable Pentagon aid to Pakistan
Los Angeles Times, CA - 1 hour ago
The audit acknowledges that the Pentagon has recently taken steps to improve its scrutiny of the expense reports submitted by Pakistan.

Audit questions oversight of aid to Pakistan
The Associated Press - 9 hours ago
11 attacks, but with little to no proof that the money has been used for that purpose, an independent audit has found. The assessment by the Governmen

Interesting, so where did that money go?

A. Musharraf used it to strengthen his regime and crush his opponents.
B. Army's pro-talibaan factions used it to support the very elements we are trying to fight.
C. Pakistani army and its corrupt officials used it for their foreign tours, their expensive cars and their lavish life style
D. Robin-hood took it.

It's our tax dollars and I'd hate to see it going to a waste. Let's do some accountability and ask Musharraf what did he do with those billions?

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Fat Military Bastards vs. Miserable Soldiers!

Look at this contrasting photo and see how the real hard working border protecting soldier is treated in this country; the person risks his life and limb on the line of duty to protect his homeland from fanatics and extremists and die. They don't get proper uniform or gear for their jobs; wearing a worn out sandal with his starved but strong arms, the soldier is committed to do his job, to protect his country. On the contrary, we have so called military high ranking officials in the bottom photo, these fat-lazy-ass-bastard suits are sitting in their air conditioned offices, having their lion's share of real-estate and enjoying the aid actually given to support the guy at the top; My country (US) does not give you my tax dollars to spend on your f**king waistline but to go out and do the job. If you can't feel the pain of the guy out there, you have no right to be on the leadership seat.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Myth: President Obama will Bomb Pakistan

This can't be far from truth, I mean seriously.

"Will we risk the confused leadership of an inexperienced candidate who once suggested bombing our ally, Pakistan?" - John McCain.

Senator Obama did not say that. He rather suggested a more aggressive version of current US policy -- a policy that McCain himself has endorsed. What Sen. Obama said was

"If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won't act, we will."

As Washington Post notes, "Obama was talking about bombing well-defined al-Qaeda targets in Pakistan upon receipt of "actionable intelligence," not the country in general."

This does not translate into a desire to bomb an ally. Like any other nation, United States protects its interests; some factions of Pakistani media try making a mountain out of a molehill but it would not change the reality.

If one keeps his affairs clean and house in order, i.e. devoid of questionable entities, then he won't have anything to worry about, would he?


[1] Obama warns Pakistan on al-Qaeda (BBC)

[2] Bombs Away – Washington Post

Yes, America is Ready for Change

With Senator Obama all set to win the democratic nomination, it's a clear signal for those who think America is not ready for a change. Historically, America embraces change and progress very effectively and Senator Obama is absolutely correct in saying "in no other country on Earth is my story even possible".

Coming fall we will all see the transition from Senator to President Obama and the metamorphosis of the election process, but it would be just the beginning; a new dawn of hope and new course of American history Amen.

United we stand, Divided we fall.

Sic Semper Tyrannis

"Thus always to tyrants"; history teaches us that this has always been the case, "always" being a relative historic terms. They come in all shapes and sizes but the democracy and will of people always triumphs. The main reason of the failure of Pakistan's ability to form stronger institutions is deeply rooted in the entire era of Military rule we have suffered through.

It's way overdue for the ideology of "controlled form of democracy" to go away forever and letting "bloody civilian" to rule their own fate, set their own directions and make Pakistan a successful state.

Yes, Mr. Musharraf, it's time for you to go home.

Ignoble war

"He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would fully suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, senseless brutality, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be part of so base an action! It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder."

- Albert Einstein